

Your readers don’t want to wade through a 100 words if they could have read the same message in 50. Here’s an example:

  • Due to the fact that the annual sales figures of the Direct Marketing Department were far higher than we ever though it would be, we can all have a bonus at the end of the year. [36 words]
  • The Direct Marketing Department’s sales were much higher than anticipated so we will all receive a bonus this year. [19 words]

I will help you turn your writing into a clear and concise message depending on the required style (e.g. formal or informal, corporate or personal), and help your ideas flow in a logical and sensible order. Let’s avoid clumsy and awkward construction – if you don’t think punctuation is important, try forgetting the comma in “I’m sorry, I love you”!



Your words alone do not count. What matters is what you say, how you say it and what it looks like in the end. TWR formats documents for consistency and functionality. I adhere very strictly to any guidelines that my clients need to follow or, in the absence of a prescribed style guide, I apply headings, tables, figures and other formatting elements consistently.

I like to automate Word documents as far as possible to eliminate human error when it comes to elements like heading styles, the table of contents and cross-references.


Business language services

Your business’s internal communication is just as important as your marketing material. TWR will copy-edit, proofread and/or format anything from blogs and emails to your tender proposals and annual report. My technical editing ensures internal consistency and my attention to details covers correctness in your reports. My eye for detail may save you from awkward mistakes. Contact me for a quote to review your communiques, project reports, tenders, marketing material and website.


Academic editing

You’ve read the books, you’ve done the work and now you’ve finally finished writing it up. Your job is not done … TWR will help you refine your research proposal, thesis or dissertation to match the required academic writing style and citation format. I look at typical language issues, but also at the flow of your arguments and any flaws in logic. I edit popular and scientific articles for a number of publications and conference platforms and will help you showcase your expertise.



Proofreading focuses on grammar, spelling, surface errors (like punctuation and capitalisation) and mechanical errors (vertical lists, dates and names, heading numbers, etc.); not so much on the big picture issues such as content, cohesion, logic, and flow.